THE IGAD/CEWARN RAPID REPONSE FUND PHASE 11 IMPLEMENTED IN UGANDA The IGAD Conflict Early Warning and Response Mechanism established a second phase of the Rapid Response Fund (RRF) intended to support local level conflict mitigation initiatives across the IGAD region. The RRF is a multi-donor basket fund to support locally driven crises response projects that contain the spread and escalation of violent conflicts within the IGAD Member States. With funding from the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), governments of Netherlands and Sweden as well as European Union through IGAD Promoting Peace and Stability in the Horn of Africa (IPPSHAR) Program, CEWERU Uganda in partnership with the CEWARN Unit launched the second phase of the Rapid Response Fund on 24th April, 2021 at Botanical Beach Hotel in Entebbe. The Rapid Response Fund was established to support conflict prevention and management resolution efforts in Member States as well as support response capacity of government and non- government structures at national and sub national levels. At the 11th CEWARN RRF virtual Steering Committee Meeting (SteCom) held on 11th May, 2022 and the 12th CEWARN Physical SteCom held on 1stNovember, 2022 in Andama- Ethiopia CEWERU Uganda was awarded 5 Regular projects worth Euros 154,324 for implementation. The period of implementation was between 6-3 months starting August, 2022 and ended on 31st March, 2023. The 5 projects implemented include: Generating the 5-year new strategic plan for the Conflict Early Warning and Early Response Unit (CEWERU) by Coalition for Action on 1325 (COACT1325) Securing Peace for All in Karamoja South in the 3 districts of; Moroto, Napak and Nabilatuk by RAIM RIAM Civil Society Network; Empowering Girls, Women and Peace Committees for Peace Building in Arua City, in the 4 Sub counties of; Ayivu, Vurra, Logiri and Ajia by Uganda Society for Disabled Children (USDC); Resolution of Conflict in Karamoja North in the 3 districts of Kotido, Kaabong and Abim by NAKELE Rural Women Activists (NARWODA); and Action to de-escalate the long standing conflicts between the Basongora, Bakonzo, Bamba and Uganda Wild Life Conservation in Kasese district, in the 2 sub counties of; Nyakatonzi, Lake Katwe and Bulembya Division by Coalition for Action on 1325 (COACT 1325). Areas of intervention in the 5 projects implemented focused on: – Conflict Prevention and Management Resolution (CPMR) access to specific local resources; such as Dialogues, collaborative CPMR activities, Interface peace meetings, workshops, awareness campaigns including radio programs, youth and women engagements. (ii) Capacity building initiatives such as; Developing a new strategic plan for CEWERU, Establishing and/or strengthening of Local Peace Committees (LPCs), Enhancing capacities of stakeholders to be able to respond to emerging local situations, Training of Women mediators, Strategic meetings with the District Leaders & Sharing of Best Practices. In addition to the 5 RRF projects, CEWERU Uganda undertook a rapid assessment on the rising violence that persisted in Karamoja region with a view of ascertaining the factors behind the escalation of violence in the pastoral communities. Similarly, CEWARN collaborated with CEWERU Uganda and undertook a rapid assessment on conflict between the Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and the host communities in Nakivale, Bungana and Kiryandongo in order to understand the drivers affecting the co-existence between the different groups. Important to note that effective implementation of the Rapid Response Fund Projects is anchored on the structures and roles spelt out in the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) at the three levels; at the regional level, national level and local levels. At the regional level: a Steering Committee comprising of; CEWARN Staff, IGAD Secretariat, CEWERUs of IGAD Member States, Development Partners and CSO’s representatives At the national level: Conflict Early Warning and Early Response Unit (CEWERU), as well as Technical Support Units (TSUs) and Financial Administrative Units (FAU) attached to the CEWERU. At the Local level: Local Peace Committees (LPCs), CSOs/NGOs, Field Monitors (FMs). Regional community liaison officer Kidepo region and participants from nyakwae sub county during the engagement meeting on early warning and response Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ